[trilha sonora da sexta-feira]

I’m in love with the world
Through the eyes of a girl
Who’s still around the morning after

We broke up a month ago
And I grew up I didn’t know
I’d be around the morning after

It’s always been wait and see
A happy day and then you pay
And feel like shit the morning after

But now I feel changed around
And instead falling down
I’m standing up the morning after

Situations get fucked up
And turned around sooner or later
And I could be another fool
Or an exception to the rule
You tell me the morning after

Crooked spin cant come to rest
I’m damaged bad at best
She’ll decide what she wants
Ill probably be the last to know
No one says until it shows
And you see how it is

They want you or they don’t
Say yes

I’m in love with the world
Through the eyes of a girl
Who’s still around the morning after

Canção: Say Yes
Autor: Elliott Smith
Intérprete: Elliott Smith
Filme: Gênio Indomável, 1997.



5 comentários sobre “[say yes]”

  1. Mais uma canção dentre as minhas preferidas, embora Miss Misery desse mesmo filme é que tenha me chamado atenção para a obra desse moço que já se matou (bem fez ele)! Olha, hj às 22h começa nova promoção da TAM, com trechos a R$ 25,00 é mole??? Não perca a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bjo

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